To become a contributing Artist Member of ALO, you must undergo a jurying process.  Our intention is to approve artists whose quality of work will ensure that our events feature a professional level of achievement.  Our ultimate objective is to ensure that our events are entertaining and interesting for our clientèle.  To this end, we try to show the best of as many different genres, artistic forms, styles and varied media, as possible.

JURYING FOR NEW MEMBERS will take place each year in the spring.  The artwork submitted to ALO for jurying will be assessed against the following elements of artistic expression:

 1. Be compelling, with aesthetic quality.

 2. Demonstrate a high calibre of composition, overall design and technical competence.

 3. Consistency of style, medium and theme might assist the judges in making their            decision.

The jury reserves the right to disqualify any article due to poor quality, poor taste, incompleteness, inappropriate content, or concern regarding copyright infringement.

We wish you luck.  If you are unsuccessful, don’t despair.  Be guided by the verbal critique you receive, and please try again next year.