Apply to Become a Member
If you are an Artist who wants to promote your work, ALO offers an exciting opportunity to lease and sell your original artwork. Our next jurying for new artist members will be in early Spring 2025 with applications only being accepted after 04 April 2025.
Much of our current bank of work is two-dimensional, but we would welcome a variety of different art forms. In pursuing a higher level of artistic endeavour, we do not accept "craft work", but if you feel that your work exceeds that characterization, you are welcome to apply to have your work juried.
Artists interested in participating in ALO’s art-lending initiative must apply to be successfully juried into the organization. The jurying process normally occurs once each year, in the spring. Local artists living within or near the National Capital Region can apply to be juried towards becoming an Art Lending of Ottawa artist.
Before applying, interested artists should read Membership Registration (information only, do not complete that form until requested) and the Hanging & Framing Criteria. These conditions must be clearly understood. Also available for reference is a basic outline of the Jurying Criteria to be used. Any questions on the jurying process after reading the previous links can be emailed to:
To apply, an artist must submit by email:
a completed New Member Application form,
a Biography (one page maximum).
5 digital images (jpg format, less than 1 megabyte, 300dpi) of 5 original works (total images: 5). These may be e-mailed to ALO, at the e-address below.
E-mail biography and digital images as attachments to:
$25.00 Jurying fee can be by E-transfer to or credit card. An invoice will be emailed for secure online credit card payment if indicated in the application.
Will not be considered for jurying until payment and all the information is received.
If questions arise during jurying, applicants will be contacted to obtain further information.
Candidates will be informed of their success, after the jury selection. If desired, unsuccessful candidates will be given a verbal critique as to why their work was not accepted by ALO.
The decisions of the ALO Jury will be final, on all matters pertaining to this process. There will be no opportunity for appeals.
Successful spring-juried artists become active ALO members on 01 August, if the annual $125. membership fee has been paid. However, successful new artists may be placed on a prioritized waiting list if ALO membership exceeds the ALO forty-five (45) active artist membership limit.